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HERITAJ did not see the light of day in a large artisanal distillery or in a large colonial dwelling.

No, it is behind this backdrop that HERITAJ finds its origin, and we are so proud of it!


She is a slave girl who, in order to support her family, produced and sold small quantities of fruit and plant-based liquor.
Having become her specialty, she thus rejoiced the hearts of her fellow human beings who used to work as hard as she did.

This combative and generous DJOK * woman is JULINA K, our great-grandmother.






She passed on her know-how to her daughter, who in turn did the same ...

Four generations later, we reveal his heritage, our HERITAJ.


Today, we are all the more animated by this need for transmission, for sharing, as the tasting of liqueurs is unfortunately tending to disappear from consumption habits.

Our liqueurs are produced with white agricultural rum from Guyana, gold medalist at the prestigious agricultural competition of the 2020 agricultural fair, and products from local agriculture.


With HERITAJ, we not only wish to highlight the know-how of these women who have remained in the shadows, but also to make you rediscover this
delicious liqueur which will transform a simple moment of tasting into a great moment of exception.

* DJOK in Guyanese Creole means strong. This term is often used to refer to women.

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